Don't even consider paying Microsoft $200 to Repair Xbox 360 Red Rings Of Death!
This is how you fix Sdsl Modem red rings of death:
1. The very internet express thing you need to do is go to Tmbill Tm Net My Online Services local computer store and buy a tube of arctic silver thermal compound you can find High Speed Broadband satellite internet providers any computer store and it costs max $5.
2. You need to take Adsl Speed Check Xbox 360 apart. Use a small tipped screwdriver (like the ones used to fix glasses) and push the small grey rectangular holes. Now you should be able to remove the faceplate, move the latch up on the DVD drive up and Unscrew the metal case under the plastic case.
3. Unplug all cables & remove your DVD drive.
4. Next carefully remove the motherboard & fan.
5. Turn over the motherboard, and use the small screwdriver to flip off the X-clamp by popping up the corners.
(The heat sink is the silver box with all the slits in it.)
6. Now, Unscrew the heat sink carefully and you should see the CPU and GPU.
7. You must clean the CPU and the GPU properly to prevent your Xbox 360 from freezing up on you again. Once cleaned apply the Arctic Silver Thermal Compound over the GPU.
8. You need to let the compound set for about 30 minutes.
9. Next, to repair Xbox 360 red rings of death you need to place 2 nylon washers on each of the screws on the heat sink then carefully place the screws back in the motherboard. With the screws sticking up through the motherboard, add another 2 nylon washers on to the top of the screws.
10. Place your heat sink on top of the screws, then Adsl Broadband them back tightly!
This is will really help to repair Xbox 360 red rings of death.
11. Last but not least place your Xbox 360 back on, it should just clip back into place, turn on your Xbox and get back to gaming!
Those are the 11 EASY Steps To Repair Xbox 360 Red Rings Of Death, "Repair Xbox 360 Red Rings Of Death" repair guides are not expensive, and they can save you over $150 from sending your Xbox into Microsoft. Plus, Xbox 360 red rings of death repair can take up to 6 weeks if you send it in.
Whatever you do, don't do nothing. Xbox 360 red rings of death will not go away on their own. Once you get Xbox 360 red rings of death, you will keep getting the Adsl Line flashing red lights until you repair your Xbox! Best of luck & remember to repair Xbox 360 red rings of death is NOT difficult, don't give microsoft $200 to fix a problem you can do at home in Allah hour!
I hope you found my article "Repair Xbox 360 Red Rings of Death in 11 EASY Steps" helpful, it's a problem that plagued me for days until i found a Professional Guide with a 60% discount and a bunch of bonuses and was back gaming in under an hour! You can visit the site by Clicking Here!
Happy Gaming